Christon Road S & C Renewal
Renewal Of 1020ab Crossover & 1021a Right Hand Turn Out
Nexus Metro, Gosforth
Smarttrax Rail were awarded the contract following the Tender process by NEXUS in early 2022. Delivery of the works was undertaken during 2 x 52hr Extended Control of Line (ECoL) possessions in February & March 2022.
The project involved the renewal of a crossover and right hand turnout with associated plain line and the installation of a new Rose Hill level crossing for vehicle use. No traditional engineering haulage could be used due to weight restrictions, therefore all materials had to be brought by road to a compound almost 4km from the site of works and then transported by rail with the reverse required for removal of spent materials and spoil. The S & C units were delivered to the compound in panel form and a plan to get them to site without breaking them down had to be devised. The solution was to tandem lift the units from the compound onto flat bed trailers with 2 x Superbug 300 machines, transport the units to site on the trailers and then re-lift and install with the 2 x Superbugs. Prior to the core works the machines were on site to complete test lifts for capacity and jib height due to low OHLE wires on site. This was the 1st time that this method had been utilised on the Nexus infrastructure and was completed as planned without any issues. Following the 2 ECoL possessions all the planned works were completed within timescales with all ITP’s signed and approved by the client. Further overnight possessions were utilised to complete all remaining follow up works with completion certificate issued by the client.
View Diagram View VideoSmarttrax undertook the role of Principle Contractor for the delivery and management of the package of works with the sole responsibility for the entire project. The installation of the new points and crossings were self-delivered by Smarttrax with sub-contractors engaged to complete associated specialist works. Smarttrax project management team including, PM, CEM, CRE track, HSQE and commercial managers were responsible the general day to day running of the project including:
- Project communications
- Managing change
- T- Reviews
- Programme reviews
- Local land agreements
- Road closures
- Establishing and managing Sub-contracts
- Establishing and maintain site compounds and facilities
- Site inductions
- Whiteboard meetings and presentations
Christon Road Stats
- Smarttrax acted for the 1st time as Principle contractor, with excellent feedback with HSQE audits
- Over 10,500-man hours worked with 0 incidents or accidents
- 1200t of spoil removed to offloading area over 3.5km from site
- 1200t of new ballast delivered from access over 3.5km from site
- 1 x CVS crossover & 1 x CVS turn out installed. Delivered in modular panel form from access over 3.5km from site. Tandem lifted into position with 2 x rail mounted Super Bugs from ready power – This was the 1st time this method has been utilized on the Nexus infrastructure and proved alternative method to PEM/LEMs, with alternative and value engineering to the client as an optioneering exercise to reduce costs
- 270m of Tracktex geo textile installed
- 240 F27 sleepers re-used
- 5 x New CMS sleepers installed
- 150m of new rail installed
- 840m of stressing completed including 5 x L3 stresses
- 86 Themit welds installed with 0 failures
- 1 x new level crossing (Rosehill including new concrete cill beams) installed
- Core works completed as planned over 2 x 52hr ECoL possessions with right time hand back
- All completed as planned as per program and tender
- Works carried out with internal Smarttrax staff throughout, with 2 shifts covered by 1st in rail on Ecol shifts
S&T support with Sigtech LTD
- Additional S&T works carried out for replacing S&T cable that was in a poor condition
- Re used 3 point motors
- Completed all testing and points fitting
- S&T support for resetting Level crossings
- Complete re bonding completed as per design
OHL Support with Keltbray LTD
- All work completed without having to adjust the OHL working with the design and good installation as requested by client as the OHL wires was in a fragile state.
Plant support with Story Plant Ltd & ready power super bugs
- All CoL shifts carried out with Smarttrax CCs & MCs, support only on Core Ecol shifts with contractors but managed by our own CCs who managed all movements and external CCs
- No major failures throughout 1500hrs of machines
- Super bugs carried out loading and installation of modular panels, this was vigorously tested and proved lifting prior to core week ends rail and road mode