Smarttrax Rail
Smarttrax Rail

Scarborough Track Works


This project was working for 1stinRail who’s client was Grahams Construction. The end user client being Trans Pennine Express. The project works were site survey and validation. Site set-up and prep works including protection of an existing waybeam bridge. For the ballasted track section we needed to distribute the materials in the CESS, place, spread, compact and trim the bottom ballast. Lay and line the sleepers. Then install the rails and form joints, place and regulate top ballast. Following this tamp, profile and snag works. Renewal of the existing waybeam system. For the Slab Track section works included distribution of materials, installations, line and secure sleepers. Install rails and buffer stop then form joints. Finally, the site was tidied and de-mobilisation plus the As-built survey and production of H&S files.

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