Smarttrax Rail
Smarttrax Rail

Peterborough L3 Stressing Works
March - April 2020


Around the Peterborough area on the East Coast Main Line (ECML) there were several timber S&C layouts which were showing a low stress free temperature (SFT). During warmer temperatures this has the potential to cause disruption to train services by decreasing allowable speeds due to the threat of track buckles.

Smarttrax Rail were asked to work alongside Network Rail (NWR) to plan and carry out level 3 (L3) stressing works to increase the SFT through the re-stressing of the S&C units. Smarttrax provided engineering support to NWR from site surveys to complete stressing plans through the planning of the works. Site staff for the project including site managers, L3 stressors and line speed hand back engineers were supplied by Smarttrax. Further support was provided via rail surveys being undertaken to ensure the welding teams had the correct equipment.

Stressing plans were developed and signed off by the TME team which were followed by site inspections to ensure the S&C units were fit to stress.

Critical rail temperature (CRT) management was also undertaken as part of the process.

All works were carried out on time, with no accidents and to budget.

View Stressing Diagram

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