Nexus Track Renewal at Gateshead Tunnel and Felling Station
This was an NEC3 Option A contract with Stobart Rail and Civils whos end user was Nexus. The contract value was £1.2m. It was delivered with Zero accidents or lost time, delivered on time and on budget.
We provided supervision, labour, safety specific labour, engineers, crane controllers and others to complete the supply, delivery and installation of the Track renewals in 4 packages.
Package 1 was the technical verifications including initial walkout and survey, familiarisation, materials confirmations, weld and rail inspections.
Package 2 was the preparation works including running out of lighting and installation of Vortox fencing. Distribution of materials, ballast for tamping, associated planning and interface with Nexus.
Package 3 was for the strip down of track panels and the core track delivery. There were 3 core shifts provided by Nexus to allow the works. These 3 shifts provided the Core delivery at 4 locations (location 1 and 2 were within the same shift). This work was for the removal of existing track, excavate track bed, installation bottom ballast, install track and tamping at each location
The core track delivery renewals included supply of engineers, project manager, supervisors, site management, track staff, crane controllers, welding and grinding, installation of Tracktex. As built data for handback to the end client Nexus and provision of all meetings with both Stobart Rail and Nexus.
Package 4 was for stressing and associated works. Including follow up works and Hand back. Track monitoring, dismantling of Vortox fencing, ALO barriers and any Herras fencing.